Destiny Dardar: I feel your pain!!!

Hey guys!!! Once again it’s your girl Destiny Dardar and let me be the first to say it – PAIN sucks.  If does not matter if it chronic / long lasting or an acute pain like you twisted your knee during that much needed exercise.

One thing that all pain has in common is INFLAMMATION.  Often times when we hear the word inflammation we automatically think negative thoughts, but remember without inflammation often times we would not know that we had injured ourselves.

There are many natural ways to reduce inflammation.  Check out some great information over at about fish oil and reducing inflammation.

Like I always say – ONLY use PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE fish oil


Another great natural supplement for inflammation is TUMERIC.  Tumeric is a traditional indian herb that is one of the main ingredients in curry seasoning.

While the entire tumeric plant is often used to color and add flavor to a variety of foods and spices the root of the tumeric plant has many  medicinal properties.

Tumeric is a powerful antioxidant and has a ton anti inflammatory capabilities.  Tumeric has been shown to help with a variety of types of pain from osteoarthritis (old man arthritis) to the soreness that one feels after working out.  TurmericSupreme_Pain_60ct_RGB-1393942082

Because heart disease and strokes are linked with high levels of inflammation Tumeric has also been shown to help reduce the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.

Remember in order get the true benefits from tumeric it must get absorbed into the body.  Many products do get absorbed properly and therefore  may not work.  This tumeric product by gaia herbs was ranked number one in the industry and you can actually track each bottle to the farm on which it was grown.

3 thoughts on “Destiny Dardar: I feel your pain!!!

  1. Bryan

    Another great article Ms. Destiny Dardar – Keep them coming. People really do not know just how much tumeric can help prevent heart attacks


  2. Joseph

    Destiny Dardar – You really know what you are talking about. I gave this combination to my mother and within 2 weeks she was skipping down the street (lol). Well not skipping but she could get up and down the stairs a lot easier 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wade

    Destiny Dardar this was a great article. I decided to go to my local health food store and pick up these products. After a month I can really say that I am no longer stiff in the morning and I was able to walk a full 18 holes the other day. It’s been years since I’ve done that!!! Any other products you recommend because I will try anything Destiny Dardar recommends



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