Monthly Archives: July 2015

Stressed out & Tired – Destiny Dardar can help!!!

Hello, It’s your girl Destiny Dardar again and today I wanted to share an article written by Dr. Bryan Scott at One Wellness Place about how stress can zap you of your energy.  IT’S GREAT STUFF!!!!

Destiny Dardars Energy Vitamin

Destiny Dardars Energy Vitamin

Have you heard the saying “adapt and conquer”?  Well if you haven’t then should you start making it apart of your daily life.  In order for us to be success in life and obtain our goals, or just make it through the daily stressors of life we must ADAPT & CONQUER.

Stress will wreak havoc on your life and can literally KILL you.  Prolonged periods of stress have been linked to:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Auto immune disease

Many times we cannot remove stress from our lives.  We have to work; we need to care for our ailing parents.  We will always worry about our children.   So what do we do?  Do we just let stress ruin our lives….

Click here to read about these stress – balancing herbs

Learn how supplementing your diet with certain herbs can help you

– See more at:

Destiny Dardar: I feel your pain!!!

Hey guys!!! Once again it’s your girl Destiny Dardar and let me be the first to say it – PAIN sucks.  If does not matter if it chronic / long lasting or an acute pain like you twisted your knee during that much needed exercise.

One thing that all pain has in common is INFLAMMATION.  Often times when we hear the word inflammation we automatically think negative thoughts, but remember without inflammation often times we would not know that we had injured ourselves.

There are many natural ways to reduce inflammation.  Check out some great information over at about fish oil and reducing inflammation.

Like I always say – ONLY use PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE fish oil


Another great natural supplement for inflammation is TUMERIC.  Tumeric is a traditional indian herb that is one of the main ingredients in curry seasoning.

While the entire tumeric plant is often used to color and add flavor to a variety of foods and spices the root of the tumeric plant has many  medicinal properties.

Tumeric is a powerful antioxidant and has a ton anti inflammatory capabilities.  Tumeric has been shown to help with a variety of types of pain from osteoarthritis (old man arthritis) to the soreness that one feels after working out.  TurmericSupreme_Pain_60ct_RGB-1393942082

Because heart disease and strokes are linked with high levels of inflammation Tumeric has also been shown to help reduce the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.

Remember in order get the true benefits from tumeric it must get absorbed into the body.  Many products do get absorbed properly and therefore  may not work.  This tumeric product by gaia herbs was ranked number one in the industry and you can actually track each bottle to the farm on which it was grown.

llan1065_hiHello.  It’s me again.  Your girl Destiny Dardar.  Today we are going to talk about your liver.

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body.  It is responsible to breaking down all of the toxins that make it into our body.  It doesn’t matter whether we consume these toxins by mouth, breathe them in, or rub them onto our skins – everything we come in contact with goes through the liver to be broken down and eliminated.

The liver is actually a very resilient organ.  You can lose up to 75% of your liver and it can regenerate itself back to its full capacity.

The problem is that many things that we do can actually damage our liver.  Certain viral illnesses such as Hepatitis can damage the liver.  Drinking alcohol, prescription drugs, recreational drugs and environmental toxins can all over work our liver to the point that it can be damaged beyond repair.

Eating foods that are high in trans fats is something that can definitely damage your liver and being overweight can damage your liver as well.  So make sure you eat a balanced diet get plenty of water and fruits and vegetables and exercise to keep a healthy liver.

There are also some nutritional supplements that can help protect your liver as well.  MIlk Thistle is a poweful anti oxidant that has been shown to help detoxify the liver and improve conditions of hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis, and other liver conditions.milk-thistle-seed-120-caps-by-gaia__69055.1419361738.1280.1280

If you enjoy a drink every now and then you need to take milk thistle at least 3 or 4 times per year

Destiny Dardar and Your Energy

Close to Home

Close to Home

Hello all!!! It’s your girl Destiny Dardar and today I will be talking about fatigue, and I am not talking about being a little tired because you were up late last night.  I am talking about that chronic fatigue that is there no matter how much sleep you get.

That was me!!! I was always tired and it wasn’t until I started talking to the clinical nutritionists at One Wellness Place that I realized that my fatigue could actually be coming from my stress.

I mean, your girl Destiny Dardar was stressed out and it was zapping me of my energy.  The connection between stress and energy goes like this – When we are under stress we release a hormone called cortisol.  When that stress goes away cortisol levels should return to normal.  The problem is that we are under constant amounts of stress. When this happens our bodies produce high amounts of cortisol until it can no longer keep up with daily demands resulting in little to NO cortisol being made and we CRASH.  That crash is constant fatigue.

One Wellness Place Stress Balance & Energy is not just a bunch of B-Vitamins, caffeine, and sugar. The all natural nutritional supplement is designed to get to the root cause of your fatigue – STRESS!!!  This product is ideal for the person who is LITERALLY tired all the time

Destiny Dardars Energy Vitamin

Destiny Dardars Energy Vitamin

This product is safe for people with blood pressure issues and provides focused energy without the jittery feeling.


Destiny Dardar and Your Joint Health

Jun_20_2013-03_03_48-fish-oil.jpgHey guys!!!! It’s your girl Destiny Dardar and I am here to say that not only are Omega 3 Fatty Acids good for your heart they are also good for your joints.

I did some research – Spoke with Dr. Bryan Scott at and he said that not only are Omega 3 fatty acids great at reducing cholesterol and blood pressure which helps reduce your risk for heart attacks and strokes they are natural anti inflammatory agents.

What’s inflammation you ask, well lucky for you Destiny Dardar is here to explain.  Inflammation is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong.  Typically inflammation is reaction to an injury or infection that results in swelling, pain, redness, soreness, and PAIN at that site.

Arthritis is INFLAMMATION of the joint.  Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve joint mobility.

Fish Oil is a great way to reduce inflammation naturally and by reducing inflammation fish oil has been shown to improve joint mobility and decrease the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

One study looked at people with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a debilitating auto immune disease that is characterized by intense inflammation of the joints. The study evaluated 2 groups the first group took Aleve by itself; while the second group to Aleve plus fish oil.  The study showed that those people who took fish oil needed less Aleve to control their pain and improve their joint mobility.

Remember because fish oil does more than just help with arthritis those people in the study may also have seen better blood pressure and cholesterol control as well.

Not all fish oil is the same and if not manufactured correctly may contain unwanted toxins and may contain oils that have been broken down into trans fatty acids.

One Wellness Place Fish Oil is

·         Pharmaceutical Grade

·         Ultra Purified

·         Fresh Caught


Destiny Dardar and Fish Oil

It’s your girl Destiny Dardar and today I am talking about Fish Oil

We have all heard it before. You NEED to take your omega 3 fatty acids.  Now if you are like me you probably had never heard of an Omega 3 fatty acid and Fish Oil does not seem appealing at all, but here are some reasons you need to be taking Omega 3 Fatty Acids.  What’s the difference between Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Fish Oil – NOTHING Really.  Omega 3 Fatty Acids are the main ingredients in quality fish oil.   Omega 3 fatty acids help promote healthy

  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Sugar
  • Cholesterol
  • Eye Sight
  • Sexual Health
  • Memory
  • Bowel Habits
  • and more

They also can help with hot flashes.

Not all fish oil is the same.  If not manufactured correctly they may contain harmful toxins.  Make sure the fish oil you choose is pharmaceutical grade, fresh caught, and ultra purified.  This greatly reduces the chance of you burping fish for the rest of the day.

A product that I like is called One Wellness Place Fish Oil.  The capsules are easy to swallow, I never have a fishy after taste.
